Injured Farrier's Fund

"The  purpose  of  the  IFF  is  to  assist  an  eligible  member  of  the  TPFA  with   household  expenses  while  recuperating  from  an  injury  or  illness,  the  magnitude  of   which  prevents  them  from  performing  normal  farrier  business  duties."

The guidelines contained herewith shall govern the Injured Farriers Fund, hereafter referred to as IFF.    

The IFF shall be established by the Texas Professional Farriers Association, hereafter referred to as TPFA.  

Eligibility REquirements:

IFF  benefits  to  be  paid  to  eligible  applicants  as  follows:



It is possible to draw from the TPFA IFF and the OFA’s Disability Fund simultaneously if claimant has dual membership.  However the horseshoe and nail donations are not to be drawn through each association.  The supplies are available one time per year, per horseshoer.

Alan Larson, CJF

IFF Chairman

Submit a Claim

The  purpose  of  the  IFF  is  to  assist  an  eligible  member  of  the  TPFA  with   household  expenses  while  recuperating  from  an  injury  or  illness,  the  magnitude  of   which  prevents  them  from  performing  normal  farrier  business  duties.  The  Treasurer  of  the  TPFA  shall  establish  and  maintain  a  separate  bank   account  for  all  receipts  and  disbursements  of  the  IFF.   An  oversight  committee  shall  be  established  to  manage  the  IFF.  The   committee  shall  consist  of  an  elected  chairman,  the  TPFA  President,  the  TPFA   Treasurer,  and  one  member,   chosen  by  the  chairman,  who  is  ineligible  for   benefits.  The  committee  will  have  final  say  over  eligibility  of  applicants  and   disbursement  of  funds.    The  committee  shall  have  the  power  to  amend  this  policy   with  approval  of  the  executive  board  of  the  TPFA. The  committee  chairman  shall  serve  for  a  term  of  two  years,  and  may  be   re-­‐elected  or  replaced,  as  is  determined  by  a  vote  of  the  general  membership   present  at  the  January  meeting.  This  election  shall  be  held  at  the  same  time  as   regular  officer  elections. The  committee  chairman  shall  provide  an  annual  report  of  all  committee   activity,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  all  receipts  and  disbursements,  to  the   general  membership  at  the  regular  January  meeting.