TPFA Secretary meeting notes

August 2024 

Secretary Meeting notes

TPFA Meeting 08/31/24

@ Lonestar Cowboy Church in Mexia, TX


A big thank you to Shane Winters for hosting and setting up for the clinic. 

Alan Larson prayed for all those in need. 

James Cockrell made a motion to adjourn. Brandon Rodgers seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm. 

Frank Holman, CF

TPFA Secretary

January 2023 

Secretary Meeting notes

TPFA Meeting 01/21/23

@ Burleson, TX

Old Business 

New Business 



A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 1:37pm 

Frank Holman, CF

TPFA Secretary

MArch 2023 

Secretary meeting notes

TPFA Meeting – 03/18/23

@ Comfort, TX

Old Business

New Business

Regional Directors ~ James Cockrell is the Coordinator for this Committee 

Additional  Announcements

John Miller Motion to Adjourn and the motion was passed. Meeting Adjourned at 1:36pm

Frank Holman, CF

TPFA Secretary

May 2023


TPFA Meeting 05/19/23

@ Mineral Wells, TX

Alan Larson gave an Injured Farrier Fund Report. He stated that the Chapter paid two members so far this year. 

Old Business 

New Business 

Bear Reed made a motion to adjourn , motion was seconded. Motion was voted on and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 12:50pm

Frank Holman, CF

TPFA Secretary

August 2023 

Secretary Meeting notes

TPFA Meeting 8/19/23 

@ Tuscola, TX 

 Old Business

New Business

Motion was voted on and passed. 

 Bear Reed made a motion to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 1:51pm

Frank Holman, CF

TPFA Secretary