TPFA Secretary meeting notes
August 2024
Secretary Meeting notes
TPFA Meeting 08/31/24
@ Lonestar Cowboy Church in Mexia, TX
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Mike Chance
Minutes from the previous meeting were read. Brandon Rodgers made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Klint Rodgers gave the Treasurer's Report. Brandon Rodgers made a motion to accept the report as read. John Miller seconded. Motion passed and the report was accepted as read.
Alan Larson gave an Injured Farrier Fund report. He reported that there had been benefits paid out to 4 members with 2 more in the the process.
Certification will be held on January 17th-18th, 2025 in Montgomery, Texas at the Lonestar Cowboy Church.
Clinician for our TPFA Forging Contest has been changed from Stan Mullen to Troy Wood. Stan had to step down for medical reasons. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Stan and his family.
Volunteers are needed to sell Injured Farrier Fund raffle tickets.
Aimy Cockrell asked for feedback on the new TPFA apparel.
Hannah Gunderson asked for content for the TPFA newsletter.
Daniel Gunderson asked for suggestions for future clinics.
At the January meeting the officers of President and Secretary will be up for election.
A big thank you to Shane Winters for hosting and setting up for the clinic.
Alan Larson prayed for all those in need.
James Cockrell made a motion to adjourn. Brandon Rodgers seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Frank Holman, CF
TPFA Secretary
January 2023
Secretary Meeting notes
TPFA Meeting 01/21/23
@ Burleson, TX
The meeting was called to order at 12:50pm by President Danny Anderson.
Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted as read.
Klint Rodgers gave a Treasurer's report; Treasurers’ report was approved and accepted as read.
Alan Larson gave an Injured Farrier Fund report. In his report he stated that only one person was paid in 2022. He also mentioned that there were several others that called in, but since they were not members in good standing they were not eligible for the Injured Farrier Fund. He again stressed the need to stay current on membership dues.
Old Business
The TPFA/OFA raffle trailer for 2023/2024 has been purchased and tickets are available. The trailer will be raffled off at the International Hoof Care Summit in 2024. Thank you Chuck Milne and Nolan Walker for all your hard work in the past.
New Business
Alan Larson made a motion to reimburse fuel expenses for anyone hauling the TPFA trailer or the raffle trailer. The motion was seconded, voted on, and passed.
Alan Larson made a motion to give the Executive Committee the authority to make decisions for the TPFA that fall in between business meetings. The motion was seconded. After a brief discussion, an amendment was made to put a $1000.00 cap on any money spent by the Executive Committee without a vote by the Membership. The amendment was voted on and passed. The amended motion was voted on and passed.
A motion was made and seconded to make Dyllon Sill our Media Director. The motion was voted on and passed.
An agreement was made for Mike Chance to move forward with appointing 5 Regional Directors.
Clinic Update –The next clinic will be held in Kerrville, TX on March 18th and 19th 2023. Check out TPFA Facebook page for details as they become available. The summer clinic will be on the 19th and 20th of August. It will be held in Tuscola, TX at Jim Poor's shop. The clinician will be Nigel Fennell. More details will be on the TPFA Facebook page as they become available.
Henry Vera asked for suggestions for future clinics.
Hannah Gunderson asked for content for the Hammer and Tongs. Anyone interested in contributing content contact her.
Michael Chance is our new TPFA President
James Cockrell will finish out the remainder of his term as Vice President
Frank Holman was re-elected Secretary
The Alan Larson Relentless Award went to Todd Haenel
The Tony Dawson Man Of Steel Award went to Mike Chance
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 1:37pm
Frank Holman, CF
TPFA Secretary
MArch 2023
Secretary meeting notes
TPFA Meeting – 03/18/23
@ Comfort, TX
Meeting was called to order by president Mike Chance at 1:00pm
The Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted as read
Klint Rodgers gave the Treasurer’s report – the report was accepted and approved as read
Old Business
New Business
Create a joint committee team with members from both the TPFA and OFA to work on the raffle trailer. Selling tickets, promoting
James made a motion to make QR Code sticker for IFF Raffle Tickets – Brandon Rodgers Seconded, Motion passed
Hannah asked for content for H&T – Contact her to discuss or if you need help with ideas
AFA Poll was taken to move Convention back to the spring – All membership present approved that was a good idea
Certification May 19 & 20 at Palo Pinto County Cowboy Church Arena. Look for details on the FB page and H&T
Progress has been made on:
Regional Directors ~ James Cockrell is the Coordinator for this Committee
Additional Announcements
Alan Larson will be needing help after hernia Surgery to cover clients, out for 6 weeks. Reach out to Alan if you want to help
Southern Missouri Farriers Association Contest – check facebook group for details
John Miller Motion to Adjourn and the motion was passed. Meeting Adjourned at 1:36pm
Frank Holman, CF
TPFA Secretary
May 2023
TPFA Meeting 05/19/23
@ Mineral Wells, TX
The meeting was called to order at 12:06pm by President Michael Chance
Minutes from the previous meeting were read. Bear Reed made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting as read. Motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Klint Rodgers gave the Treasurer's Report.
James Cockrell made a motion to accept the report as read, motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Alan Larson gave an Injured Farrier Fund Report. He stated that the Chapter paid two members so far this year.
Old Business
The TPFA Trailer has been wrapped.
The website for the Injured Farrier Fund raffle tickets is up and running.
New Business
Bear Reed made a motion to ratify a decision made by the Executive Committee. The motion was to sponsor the Hi-Point buckle for the next 2 years. John Miller seconded. Bear Reed made a motion to amend it to sponsor the Hi-Point Class at the Convention for the next 2 years. John Miller second. Amendment was voted on and passed. Amended motion was voted on and passed.
Klint Rodgers made a motion for the Injured Farrier Fund checkbook be provided to Alan Larson so he could pay recipients directly. Motion was seconded. Motion was voted on and passed. Alan stressed again the importance of staying current on TPFA dues.
A motion was made to pay Todd Haenel as a clinician Certification preparation. Motion was seconded. Dyllon Sill made an amendment to the motion to pay the amount of $500.00; Amendment was seconded. Amendment was voted on and passed. Amended motion was voted on and passed.
Klint Rodgers made a motion to create a committee to inspect all horses shod at any TPFA function to ensure that all horses are shod for their intended purpose upon leaving. Dyllon Sill second. Motion was voted on and passed.
Klint Rodgers made a motion for Hannah Gunderson to take over management of the TPFA website and that we pay her $250.00 per month to do so. Klint Rodgers made an amendment to the motion to pay Hannah $500.00 for the first month to get everything up to speed and then $250.00 a month after that. Amendment was seconded, voted on, and passed. The amended motion was voted on and passed.
Dyllon Sill made a motion to provide a prize for the Southern Missouri Forging Contest Pro/AM class. The prize would be a gift certificate for entry fee to our TPFA Contest in any division. Bear Reed second. Motion was voted on and passed.
James Cockrell made a motion to offer free clinics to students who are currently in Horseshoeing School or their first year of apprenticeship for that calendar year. Motion was seconded, voted on and passed.
Bear Reed made a motion to adjourn , motion was seconded. Motion was voted on and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 12:50pm
Frank Holman, CF
TPFA Secretary
August 2023
Secretary Meeting notes
TPFA Meeting 8/19/23
@ Tuscola, TX
Meeting was called to order by President Michael Chance at 1:00 pm.
Minutes from the previous meeting were read. Alan Larson made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Klint Rodgers second. Minutes were accepted as read.
Klint Rodgers gave a Treasures report. James Cockrell made a motion to accept the report. Report was accepted.
Old Business
Trailer raffle tickets may be purchased from the TPFA Website using PayPal.
New Business
Volunteers will be needed for quality control of any horses shod at any TPFA function. Brandon Rogers volunteered to put a group together to handle that.
James Cockrell made a motion to to purchase a chop saw for cutting steel at our contest or any other TPFA function. Ben Coley second. Motion was amended to purchase 2 chop saws. Amendment was voted on and passed. Amendmended motion was voted on and passed.
It was moved and seconded that the TPFA dues be raised:
Regular membership from $75.00 to $100.00
Lifetime membership from $1000.00 to $1200.00
Associate membership from $30.00 to $40.00
Motion was voted on and passed.
Henry Vera stepped down as Clinic Coordinator. Daniel Gunderson will be our new Clinic Coordinator.
David and Fran Edens will be stepping down as Contest Coordinator after this year's Contest. Josh Anderson will be our new Contest Coordinator.
Lee Olsen has stepped down as Certification Coordinator. Bear Reed will be our new Certification Coordinator.
Bear Reed made a motion to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 1:51pm
Frank Holman, CF
TPFA Secretary